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24 Game Reviews

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It was a standard arcade zombe shooter, which already takes off points in my book. No originality at all. I also couldn't stand that you had to start over when you died. I died when i entered the lab and had no interest in replaying the thing, even if it was short. sorry

A miss for me.

Another outstanding success!

Another great edition of SHIFT, but with a cool twist. Story Mode! I love games with plot lines! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! But seriously, I thought I was really cool how you took games that didn't seem to have any story and tied them all together in a wonderful web of deviousness. I also thought it was cool that I didn't, you know, I die at the end. At least if you know the code =P.

No, I am not going to post it here. Find it for yourself, you lazy bums! Geez.

PS: I know everyone has said this, but I feel obligated to say it too. Why Mel Gibson as the secret character? WHY?!?!

Ow, my brain

I just finished level 30 and I think I pulled a neuron from concentrating so hard. I wonder if that is actually possible...

Anyway, this game is extremely intense in its way. Not like a first person shooter, but the need to think about many different things at once while memorizing floor layouts, keeping track of invisible moving obstacles, remembering where teleports lead, and at the same time actually playing the game. I admit I cheated a little by writing down some directions and placing bits of sticky notes on my monitor to use as landmarks.

Advice to others: USE THE GRID! This game would be next to impossible without it. Keep track of the holes and move to beacons often to refresh your memory.

To deal with the moving blades, try counting, they will always follow a pattern. For one level, I identified that all of the blade in the level would move to the center at once and they all moved clockwise. I counted 1...2...3...4...1...2...3...4...Etc as they hit the walls and knew that when I said "1" they were in the center and I had to move when I said "3".

Other than that, focus like crazy.

Great game! Hard but not too hard and very, uh, how to say... mentally stimulating. Yah.

Good luck achieving immortality! (is that the prize at the end?! I don't know! Try to find out!)

Bulortio responds:

thanks for review.

Yea I added the grid pretty late in the development. It was wayyyy too annoying without it :P

Level select button

Almost exactly like stratego with slightly different units and you don't reveal units when you attack. I thought it was great.

One absolute huge must-fix, however,
ADD A LEVEL SELECT BUTTON!! <Caps for ultra-noticeable-ness

I think I was on the sixth level or something and the game froze (possibly a glitch happens when you kill every enemy unit but the two leaders?) and I couldn't jump back to the level. The game was fun, but I have little interest in replaying each level to try to get back to it. So yah, level select is a must in my book.

Other than that, great game. Looks cool, has a storyline, and was fun to play (until it freezes and you have to start over).

Very good

Great game. Very fine detail, well made, great visuals. I am not too great of a typer, but I managed. Maybe it would have helped it my hands weren't freezing cold right now =P.

Big suggestion : PAUSE BUTTON!!
I think those are very important in any fast-paced game. For example, when I was playing the phone rang. I had to answer it, and I got screwed over by ninjas when I was most of the level. So yah, pause button.

Other than that, great job.

Very good

Very simple, quite easy, not anything specifically entertaining about it, but somehow, on the whole, I loved it. Rather therapeutic.
Did you have to specify when the shapes would come out and in what size/amount, or did you make script that reads the audio levels and does it for you? If it were the latter, I would diffidently want to see a sequel (or just an update) with more songs.

not too great

I thought the game play was pretty poor. Ammo was a huge issue, the ammo pickups were hard to get, and the cannon was a nightmare to control. It looks cool, but it gets too hard too fast and I quickly lost interest.
Maybe the ammo pickups could be attracted to you so they could be easier to pick up, and/or you re-spawn ammo. And maybe you could make the cannon move smoother. And I personally think the sides should just be walls.
My opinions. Take 'em or leave 'em.

Loved It

This game was far from perfect, but it was very good. Shame to hear that you are reluctant to tackle something big again. Personally, I don't blame you, but it would be nice to see more.

Some glitches that is think need some attention:

-Falling to death does not work. Your character stops at bottom and does not die. Attacking twice in a row causes fall to continue to death

-In the battle with the werewolf, once he dropped the sun stone things, the damage aura would remain if you died and started the screen over.

-It was very easy to get stuck on the left side of things like walls and boxes, but jumping and attacking got you out of it.

Personally, I didn't find any singly thing too impossible, but maybe make the gem-polarizing thing more clear-cut. I just had to guess on that and got it right.

Other than that I really liked the story, dialogue, and game play. Good work.

I would look forward to a sequel, but it seems you are uninterested. I hope you make one, anyway =P.

Great idea, so-so game play

Great idea, great looking, good originality, so-so game play. There were many glitches that interfered with game play. A few repeatable and fixable ones:


-If you release eagle when you are in front of ladder, both eagle and player will be moved
-Restart level button does not reset health

other than that there were many minor glitches that could mess things up (stuck in wall, elevator stops, eagle stuck, etc)

Also, the controls were not smooth at all. Way to slidey. Level 9 was total hell due to this. There were also many flaws in the game play in general

Game had great potential, but it wasn't met. I really wanted to like it, but it just didn't cut it.

That said, I still played it and am glad I did, so I guess it is a success in that sense.

Very good

I must admit, I am horrible at this game due to great coordination in my right hand but terrible in my left, which causes all sorts of brain confusion, but that is hardly your fault. The game itself is great.

The notes are more precisely placed in this one then than last on, making game play smoother (or maybe I was just lagging when playing SCGMD2), also, it generally looking better. It has a lot of good new features (like the ever-annoying mistake sound), but maybe don't make the music fade quite so much when you miss-hit, though?

I like it, and who knows, after playing this for a while I actually might improve control of my left hand =P

Think this is the end of the series or will you continue to try to make it better and better?

Once again, well done.


Oregon, USA

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