Loved It
This game was far from perfect, but it was very good. Shame to hear that you are reluctant to tackle something big again. Personally, I don't blame you, but it would be nice to see more.
Some glitches that is think need some attention:
-Falling to death does not work. Your character stops at bottom and does not die. Attacking twice in a row causes fall to continue to death
-In the battle with the werewolf, once he dropped the sun stone things, the damage aura would remain if you died and started the screen over.
-It was very easy to get stuck on the left side of things like walls and boxes, but jumping and attacking got you out of it.
Personally, I didn't find any singly thing too impossible, but maybe make the gem-polarizing thing more clear-cut. I just had to guess on that and got it right.
Other than that I really liked the story, dialogue, and game play. Good work.
I would look forward to a sequel, but it seems you are uninterested. I hope you make one, anyway =P.